THIS is the s p a c e a g e
the age b e y o n d the Earth Age
a different direction
b e y o n d the gravitations
of the past
THIS is the s p a c e a g e
this disguised TWIN of TOMORROW
striking upon
the Earth with
relentless power
like a perpetual whip.
this IS the s p a c e a g e...
Prepare for the journey!
Y O U have a rendezvous
with the
Living Wisdom
of the Unadulterated Fate.
Prepare for the journey!
Like a happy child
you will s t e p o u t of the pages
of the
Blinding Blend of the Book,
and g a z e a s t o u n d e d
at the E N D L E S S S P A C E of the COSMO-VOID.
Your new course is the Cosmic Way...
Your new vehicle is the Cosmic Plane;
You are to reach /
the Omni-Cosmo Way
You will learn to journey with courage...
with Fiery Aim to Find
the even greater day
of the
even greater tomorrow.
The C O S M O - T I M E L E S S Realm
of the Omni-Evolution-Immortalic Day.
-Sun Ra